Comparing States of Mind

Ayahuasca Cusco – Anthropologists have often compared shamanic states to yogic states and buddhist meditation states, as the same. While they do have similarities, it is a sad superficial comparison. The shamanic state we will be talking about is strictly the ayahuasca state.

Yogic states are focused on having a still mind connected to a breath. It is attained by extreme inward focus. The outside world and one’s body will no longer exist. This inward state is where the yogi becomes established in their essential nature.

In Buddhism, particularly the practice of Vipassana, one focuses on becoming aware. Every grain and granule are examined, both inside and outside of oneself. This heightens one’s senses and awareness, helping rid one of distractions from the outside world.

During a shaman’s journey with ayahuasca they are in a controlled ecstasy experience. They find themselves in many worlds at once, never losing their sense of self. In this state they have an abundance of energy and sing icaros to connect to the outer dimensions. In the ayahuasca journey, they are less aware of the present world, but able to come in and out of their altered states of consciousness. They are the only state to experience a true ecstasy through out of body experience.

Yogis and Buddhists do not have out of body experience, but rather an inward bliss known as samadhi or in buddhism’s case remarkable levels of perceptual sensitivity. They are unlikely to communicate because they could lose their concentration. The energy they have decreases to bring on a state of calm, the exact opposite of a shamanic state.

At our center for ayahuasca in Cusco, we are focused on both buddhist meditation states and shamanic journeying. However, we recommend practice using any technique either yogic or buddhist. Along with the teachings of the plant medicines. They are a great aid in personal transformations and transcendence both at the center and your home.

Do we choose earth?

An uncertain territory, which is semi-common among experienced ayahuasca drinkers, is the theory that – we choose to come to earth. First, for this to begin to make sense we must already believe in spirits and reincarnations or the possibility of.

In these ayahuasca interdimensional travels, what is talked about most often are a council of spirit guides and a pre-birth plan. In this theory the council of spirit guides helps decide which pre-birth life plan will be the most beneficial for our inner growth.

The idea does vary slightly from person to person from their ayahuasca journey, maybe there are one or a few spirit guides or twelve. Overwhelmingly the understanding is, it was our life, our choice to come here.

Once the birth plan is put into place we forget who we truly are, our goals for coming to earth and the plan set in place. When people begin to experience life on a higher plane they become aware of this plan. Many seek out the help of mediums after their ayahuasca ceremonies to continue this communication with the spirits.

Fully living out our plan could be seen as just simply living your life to the fullest, what we often call finding your path in ayahuasca ceremonies. The theory is an interesting backdrop to the ideas we put into motion by beginning such a large spiritual re-construction.

Ayahuasca could be a catalyst to helping you remember your pathway, the reason you chose to come to earth. It is a new perspective on an old story. Anyone is free to believe that which resonates with them.

Here is an interesting video on the subject with Robert Schwartz

Books on building relationships with plant spirits

Ayahuasca Books – We want you to be able to continue your way on the new spiritual path you are walking after your retreat. If you find yourself enthralled with the experience and yearn to learn more read, find your niche in this realm and dig deeper into your being, into the plant spirits beings, other dimensions and more. See how far you can get and do not forget to come back, implement your new ideas and communicate with us what you learned. Our list is somewhat short and sweet, it is in no particular order our scratch pad from a meeting, let us know if we are missing any essentials!

  • Tibetan Book of the Dead by Graham Coleman
  • Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Handcock
  • The Secret Teachings of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  • The Field by Lynne McTaggart
  • The Earth Has a Soul by CG Jung
  • Plant Spirit Healing by Pam Montgomery
  • Sacred Plant Medicine: The Wisdom in Native American Herbalism by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  • The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjoo
  • Plant Spirit Medicine: A Journey into the Healing Wisdom of Plants by Eliot Cowan
  • Inner Paths to Outer Space by Rick Strassman
  • The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
  • The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby
  • The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tomkins
  • Foods of the Gods by Terence McKenna
  • DMT the Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman

Can we really heal ourselves?

Ayahuasca Cusco – In modern day societies we have been programed at the first sign of sickness to run to a doctor and from there to a pharmacy. What if we told you, you are your own very best doctor, shaman or healer?

Mother Earth has provided humans with everything needed from the beginning of time to eat, evolve and heal. When you take ayahuasca as a cure you are taking part in healing yourself. This grand undertaking is the first step in a lifelong understanding of your own innate powers. You understand the factors and multiples involved in your sickness better than any Doctors. From everyday nutrition to psychological factors and spiritual vacancies, our understanding is that any of these can greatly affect your wellbeing. It is a balance only you know how to fix, by letting go of relationships that no longer serve you, eating clean energy foods, exercising your body and partaking in ceremonies, as an example of the actions taken.

Modern day society has left behind spirituality and it has caused an imbalance. Spirituality is an essential part of being human, without spirituality we have a house with an empty room, while the other rooms are overfilled with unnecessary items. Your house is your body, your mind and your spirit. Only you can tell where you are inadequate and restore balance to your house.

Once you understand balance you may begin to understand how to heal yourself and maybe move on to healing others, such as the people you love and care about. Eat your way to health and if you run into extreme disequilibrium there are plants to aid your recovery and restore the natural harmony of your system.

Suffering severe anxiety and paranoia and how ayahuasca can help.

Ayahuasca Cusco = Anxiety – is a paralysing disease. It affects our minds, bodies and hearts in a way no other subjective problem can. Being stricken by paranoia on top of anxiety is a debilitated life. People who get lost in this pattern can feel hopeless, depressed and sometimes suicidal. It is important to take swift action to liberate yourself and begin to live with calm energy.

Ayahuasca works on three levels your mind, body and spirit. First, it begins by cleansing your system, the body, of toxins built up from years of not eating right and putting a strong master plant such as cannabis in your system for recreational use. Once it has finished there, it moves onto your mind. It finds the roots which cause this anxiety and paranoia, and at that point it reassociates your minds triggers. The roots are rewired to activate a different part of your brain, a new calm understanding.

From there ayahuasca will work on your spirit giving you what you need to liberate yourself from the endless cycle you were in and the courage you need to change. Ayahuasca is a strong master plant and will help wash away the negative effects caused by cannabis use. Intention is key, the ayahuasca will do hard work on your body, but you will have to put in effort on your part as well. Wanting to learn to love and respect the plants we have been given by mother earth is important in this particular recovery. A plant is not just a plant, plants have spirits, if we misuse them we suffer.

This is not a problem to be ashamed of as it is becoming quite common. Not all plants pair well with all types of people. The sooner you can come to an ayahuasca retreat the better. You will find your center again and begin living peacefully with your spirit and all spirits around you, free from the clutches of anxiety and paranoia.

*We recommend a ceremony of San Pedro along with ayahuasca in these particular cases.