Why is it important to follow the ayahuasca diet?

Ayahuasca Cusco – The ayahuasca diet you follow beforehand becomes a reflection of how you will consider and absorb the teachings of ayahuasca. It is important to have a clean vessel to receive the ayahuasca. Many of the foods we have listed off the diet are because they are harsh on your system. In fact ayahuasca is a harsh plant for your system and for this reason used in special ceremonies, not everyday. It is important it does not have to compete with other strong plants, foods or medicines to absorb in your system.

When this competition occurs the ayahuasca has to do extra work on your physical body. This may cause more nausea than normal, diarrhea, extreme heat or cold. It depends on the person. The emotional, mental or physical work the ayahuasca is going towards needs for your system to be clean first. For this reason we give an herbal cleanse on the first day, but it is in your best interest to follow the diet beforehand.

Following the diet is easier than it may sound at first and you will reap the benefits without knowing what you are avoiding. It is respect for the plant as well and beginning to work with the plant before you arrive is entirely in your benefit.

Giving back after and ayahuasca retreat…

Ayahuasca Cusco – We ask if you are interested in giving back that you do by being conscientious when you return to your country. This we believe whole heartedly is more important than putting money into any organization or charity. What the world needs is good people doing good deeds. Find something that can help make a difference in your community or one closeby, change starts at home with you. Continue on a path to serve others in any way you can. It is as simple as maybe seeing trash on the ground and picking it up or helping your elderly neighbors.

Be conscientious in consuming. Mother earth is essential to our survival and the survival of earth’s creatures. Try to minimize your consumption in every way you can. True happiness does not come from new clothes, cars or homes. The light is inside you and the more you practice a spiritual discipline the more you will understand the difference between need and want.

Eat a healthy diet for your body and mind. Support local organic. If you eat meat, eat quality and be sure to give your gratitude to the animal who gave you its life. A small positive gesture can go a long way with your intention.

Grow spiritually and intellectually. Never stop learning. Spread knowledge where you can, but do not be forceful. Take the time to listen to others. Do not rush your life. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy life for its simple pleasures.

You can tell people whom you think may benefit from an entheogenic experience, about the retreat, but try and leave out specific details of your experience. This tends to generate an expectation and it is better for everyone to go into their retreat ceremonies with a clear mind, free of expectations.

Humble advice for returning home after your retreat.

Ayahuasca Cusco – Upon your re-entry into the modern world you may find yourself with a higher level of sensitivity to everything. How does one cope? Implement the teachings into their hectic lives? Or should you go find a house in the woods and hide forever?

You may find yourself in sudden shock when you step on or off the plane, after being in mother nature’s bosom and thoroughly enjoying it. Many of us have been in your shoes and have dealt with it better and worse.

Keep your calm. It may sound easier than it is. You can maintain this new glow you have and still function in the “normal” world. Remember the meditations you were taught and remind yourself if you can spend X amount of hours on the computer or on your phone a day, you can most certainly find time to meditate. Make the time and you will find it. Get up a little earlier if you must and listen to the relaxing music of tibetan bowls or native flute while sitting quietly or sit in silence. You know what to do. We will remind you, this needs to be done in a quiet place and not while doing anything else, like driving. Not to mention if you have a particularly hectic commute, give yourself extra time. Life is not meant to be rushed and rushing around all the time is not life.

Speaking of those X amount of hours find time to exercise to reduce stress levels. Not to mention keep reading from our reading list! If you still cannot find peace, maybe there is a bigger change you need to make. With your new understanding of yourself and life you will know if this is the case.

All in all you can, with faith and persistence, keep the teachings of ayahuasca working in your life. If you are struggling or need advice on your aftercare, please contact us, we are full of ideas. A better you makes for a better world and we are here to help.

How does your life change after ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca Cusco – Each participant has an experience as unique as the life they have lived before taking ayahuasca. In the many ceremonies you will take part in, it is difficult to say which one will be your “breakthrough” ceremony. What we can tell you are a couple of positive possibilities, which in the moment are entirely introspective.

Ayahuasca unlike other entheogens is an inward encounter with yourself, the positive and the negative. Seeing the negative allows you to understand and liberate yourself. Imagine you had been carrying a heavy metal backpack with guilt, sadness, anger, etc and it was suddenly lifted off your shoulders. Many who take ayahuasca find a deep level of understanding and forgiveness, sometimes for others, sometimes for themselves. Liberation is a common experience among participants.

Once you have the opportunity to see yourself, you will feel empowered. You may find the courage to change. This could mean, for example, moving past relationships which no longer serve you. Depression is often lifted away in an ayahuasca ceremony and you may find yourself evolved and balanced. Trusting your natural intuition and operating from inner guidance may come without a second thought. You may acquire the knowledge your body is a temple for your spirit, the medicine may show you to begin to care for it as such. It may interest you to try new methods in order to continue heightening your spiritual connection after your ceremonies. There are a myriad of positive benefits which may occur after taking ayahuasca.

While these prospects are alluring it is important to remember ayahuasca is a strong, sometimes difficult process that takes inner courage and extraordinary effort to work on yourself before you can arrive at a grand life change. It may be your first ceremony or your 7th, but it is essential to have patience and work with the spirit of the plant. If you are ready to meet your spirit and connect with mother ayahuasca, you will in time. It has been said once you decide to take ayahuasca, it begins working on you. When you feel called, you can begin a new chapter in a new direction with your intention fueling your spiritual and personal development.